Monetary Policy of the U.S. Federal Reserve - Essay ExampleThis paper discusses the U.S. Federal Reserve's monetary policy. Most simple put the attempt by the Federal Reserve to establish balanced national income and help spur economic growth by controlling the size of the money supply is termed as monetary policy. It is implemented with the help of policy tools which usually consist of open market operations, discount rates, and reserve requirements. Open market operations are the strongest monetary policy tool consisting of the purchase and sale of treasury and federal agency securities. The federal open market committee normally specifies all short-term objectives related to open market operations. These objectives normally identify reserve targets or the desired federal funds rate. It is interesting to note that there have been diverse objectives over the years ranging from federal funds rate targets in the eighties to policy changes in the nineties. No matter what the short term objective the long term objective has always been price stability and sustainable economic growth.

Letter of Request - Assignment ExampleI am a second year student at the Eastern Kentucky University majoring in Occupational. I would like to humbly present my interest in conducting a physical security assessment on the VA medical center in Birmingham. This survey is a requisite in the APS 210 (Physical Security Assessment Project) class. The VA Medical center is my ideal choice as it offers me with the diversity required to apply all aspects, both theoretical and practical, of physical security assessment. The facility is unique in the sense that it caters to the elderly and vulnerable in the community. As such, security is an essential facet of operations.The intended survey will entail going through all areas of the buildings within your institution, checking for security devices such as locks, surveillance, and access control. In addition to this, an interview with the institution’s security manager will be essential in providing a concise complete picture of the state of security within the institution’s premises. This process should take up to 2 hours at the most.

Nitrogen as a Fertilizer, Nutrient, or PollutantNitrogen can always be a fertilizer, nutrient, or pollutant depending on the circumstances and the environment it is in.  As a fertilizer, nitrogen can be extremely useful in aiding the growth of many plants. As a nutrient, nitrogen is essential to many plants growth and survival.  As a pollutant, nitrogen can not only affect the plant at the given time but be very detrimental many years down the road.  No matter where you go nitrogen will always be either a fertilizer, nutrient, or pollutant.      Nitrogen can be considered as both a fertilizer and nutrient under the right constraints.  I will use citrus plants as one of my examples.  For citrus growers applying nitrogen to plants is a common and needed practice.  “Spring is the best time to apply nitrogen to citrus.  Research has shown that the demand for nitrogen in citrus is highest from bloom through June and most of the supplemental nitrogen fertilizer should be applied during this time period.”  It is a major key to plant growth and development.

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